lör 28 okt.
Breathe deeply, fill your body with air, sense the support of the soft mattresses. Deep breathing preparing your whole body to receive the vibrations and sounds from Gongs, Didgeridoo, Giant Crystal Bowls, Monochord. Float away in softly euphoric experience. 30 min of breathwork and 2 hours of sound
Time & Location
28 okt. 2023 15:00 – 18:00
Norrmalm, Wallingatan 20, 111 24 Stockholm, Sweden
About the event
No skills required.Not even any special clothing!Just come as you are
Breathwork will take you deep state of presence and relaxtion.After 30 minutes brethwork......let sound and vibrations wash away stress form your system.Sound Healing is an ancient art which gains new dimension with researches of modern music therapy.Mateusz Krawiec and Leona Frantzich his their work include ancient traditions of playing with our new understanding of modern science.